Cecile’ Ebert, Juliet & Beau

My experience with Beowulf Mastiffs began as a fluke. My eight-year-old son’s Labrador had recently passed away and he had met his first English mastiff through a firefighter friend of mine. He immediately was in awe and admiration of this beautiful dog. I grew up with a Saint Bernard and was thrilled with his selection for the next puppy. I came upon Beowulf and Susann by happenstance searching for “Adult English Mastiff 2 to 4 years old for sale or adoption” This search and extensive conversations with Susann or let’s call it what it was “interviews” with Susann resulted in my first Beowulf English Mastiff Juliet or as we affectionately called her Julie-Jules. The chats helped me understand exactly how lovingly passionate and scientifically qualified Susann takes her mission with Mastiffs. The extent of the conversations showed me how much she cared about where her beautiful Juliet would be placed. Dedication. Miss Jules passed away about a year and half ago and I now have a 16-month-old stunningly muscular and let’s call it a bit goofy Beowulf boy named Beau.

To the layperson or let’s just call it the “unfortunates” who may have never owned a Mastiff the perception is a Massive Couch Loving Lumbering Beast! Not the athlete…..to underestimate the Mastiff’s abilities is to truly miss out on the adventure of a lifetime! Both of my Beowulf Mastiffs have been avid hikers – catching breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains atop hanging boulder ledges at 5,500 feet and chasing over 75 waterfalls in the state of North Carolina alone.

I have hiked all of my life and nearly lost that ability 2 ½ years ago in a freak accident while Jules was with me. A misty morning in November of 2020 along the Blue Ridge Parkway sipping coffee and walking my girl I slipped on ice. It was Jule’s massive bark that alerted someone to call EMS. This fall resulted in breaking almost everything from my knee down including shattering my ankle. Words you never want to hear from a surgeon “this is amputation territory”. An extensive surgery (titanium rod, steel plate four nails and six pins) and month of grueling physical therapy I began to hike again. Jule’s love, strength and patience helped me find my way back to the trails we both adored. Miss Jules at 9 ½ years old hiked with me up until two months before she passed away.

Beau took his first short hike two weeks after arrival in North Carolina at four months old. He loves the adventures of navigating boulders, creek crossings, and the best “bath” ever under a waterfall! He already “rock climbs” and if they made the right harness he would surely rappel!!

This breed never was meant for a couch, except of course after a long hike! Thank you Susann for your friendship, and the many, many years of joy your Beautiful Mastiffs have brought me!

Cecile’ Ebert
